Did You Miss Us, Everyone?😁
It's been a while, MathO! For sure, you have a lot of tasks to do. Take a break and read some important announcements, the summary of MathO's events, and meet Ave Gail Jamili Obidos of Batch 2019.
🎶Elektrons Mini-Literary Musical 2023
The UPV Elektrons had its Mini-Litmus last March 26, 2023, which took place at the UPV Covered Court. In this regard, we would like to congratulate the winners, especially the UPV Mathematics Circle participants who took part in the various events.
You are the lucky winners of a House and Lot and a brand new car. Congratulations to all our winners during the Elektrons Mini-LitMus 2023. Raise your voice! Raise your feet! Raise your jump! You are the winners!
I. ORATION - Mark John Sucaldito (2nd Runner Up)
II. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH - Jons Stephen Hije (1st Runner Up)
III. FLASH FICTION - Jianne Rasco (1st Runner Up)
IV. PHOTO ESSAY - Blessy Eufan (Champion)
V. A CAPPELLA - 2nd Runner Up
Participants: Kaila Luna, Camille Joy Bulauitan, Ejcurl Delarmente, Alexia Aira Ariza, Edwardo Yap, Ann Marie Berganio, Jons Stephen Hije
VI. VOCAL DUET - 2nd Runner Up
Participants: Jons Stephen Hije, Ejcurl Delarmente
Participants: Cynel Frial, Marvie Enano, Bella Pama, Chrizelle Hyacynth Pasquin, Ryan Jefferson Babaran, Jarick Sardinia, John Michael Vincent Ilustre, Kristine Ann Quejada, Vincent Marie Laspiñas, Allan Poe Laurente, Maria Isabel Garcia
VIII. MODERN DANCE - 2nd Runner Up
Participants: XZ Earl Pano, Abram Alfred Geonanga, Trisha Marie Tenio, Ragin Gallano, Kenneth Aldwin Villacarlos, Kurt AJ Colacion, Ma. Ella Bagaforo
Participants: Jess Vincent Ybut (1st Runner Up, People's Choice), Cris Jericka Javellana (3rd Runner Up)
We once again proved that we, the Sperms of Oble, are #TheBestOrgInTheWorld
Source: https://www.facebook.com/100064052859848/posts/pfbid04ZRw82DtKu75SzTEoDxqqc9oPff9ww9aFjq17S6BX5pWfi9767kTGWMvdcmK3Zt6l/?app=fbl
⭐Liwanag sa Dilim
Shining✨, Shimmering✨, Splendid✨
Witness how the stars dimmed and the MathO members sparkled through the night at the UPV Mathematics Circle Acquaintance Party on April 14, 2023, which featured the theme "Liwanag sa Dilim." Everyone emerged the brightest and allowed their genuine personalities to radiate their beauty.
The MathO members made an enormous effort to attend the party, as revealed by the nicest black and white attire they wore. Additionally, you will truly see the MathO members smiling and getting to know one another throughout the entire setting.
In order to forge that unifying connection within MathO and deepen the relationship, the officers and alumni have planned a variety of team-building and fun-filled activities. Each and every attendee will undoubtedly cherish these memories for the rest of their lives.

It was a splendid night, indeed. Thank you very much for attending, and we hope to see your lovely presence at the next acquaintance party.
📚Interschool Quiz Bee 2023 Information Session
The UPV Mathematics Circle conducted an interschool quiz bee last March 23–24, 2023, at the UPV Iloilo Little Theater. In line with this, the Quiz Bee Committee also conducted an information session to equip the participants and their coaches with the necessary insight about the Quiz Bee. The information session happened last March 20, 2023.
If you’re interested in knowing what happened during the information session, then you may view it here:
Thank you, and may you continue to promote the relevance of mathematics until infinity.
🤝UPV Mathematics Circle 3rd General Assembly
The UPV Mathematics Circle had its 3rd General Assembly last March 20, 2023, at the UPV MILC, CAS Basement. The said assembly was attended by all Math-O members, officers, faculty members, and the speaker, Mr. Roger Marapo, who is actually the founding president of Math-O from the Class of 1990.
The assembly tackled some relevant information about the organization, including the presentation of bylaws and constitutions, updates about past and upcoming events, the current financial statement, and others.
Thank you for participating, and we hope to see your presence at our coming events.
💗Keep On Keepin’ On
Are you a risk-taker? Will you take on the challenge of being of service to your community? Do you have what it takes to keep on keepin' on?
Meet Ave Gail Jamili Obidos of Batch 2019 as she shares with us the story of her life and what led her to become who she is now because of her experiences inside and outside of UP.
Another episode of our special series featuring our Manangs and Manongs of MathO who are aiming to wear the elegant sablay this semester!
Watch it here:
Excited to see more? Don't forget to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel to get updated on what happens inside our circle.