Keep Calm and Pretend it's Not Monday
May this be your mondayest of all the mondays you've ever mondayed as we bring to you an opportunity, a reminder, and a member spotlight.
What are you doing on Pi Day (3.14)?
Our world needs accessible, reliable learning resources like MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) every day. Support from MIT alumni and friends, like you, has helped make OCW an essential open-learning resource that has been providing learners and teachers with free access to knowledge for more than two decades.
Today, OCW is more than just a reflection of the MIT curriculum—it’s a mobile-responsive, multimedia library, open to the world and accessed by millions each month, with a growing collection of course materials, problem sets, lecture notes, videos, and more, shared directly from MIT’s campus with OCW users worldwide.
In order to keep meeting learners and educators where they are with the latest resources, OCW needs your support. Please give time during the MIT 24-Hour Challenge on March 14 to support free and open access to knowledge from MIT.
Visit our website to learn more about MIT OpenCourseWare.
You can also contribute to one of our other micro-challenges:
Math-O Akwe 2023
The University of the Philippines Visayas Mathematics Circle (UPV MathO) will hold its annual Acquaintance Party on April 14 (Friday) to April 15, 2023 (Saturday) at CreekSide Resort, San Joaquin, Iloilo.
It is a tradition of the organization to host an event tailored for new members of the organization whose main purpose is to promote camaraderie, open venues for new relationships, and develop a sense of belongingness. This is the time for all the members of the organization to gather in solidarity, create a connection between members of all year levels, and officially welcome the first-year students of the organization.
In line with this, please state your intention to attend by accomplishing this form on or before March 13, 2023.
MathO Member Spotlight
“It is your hardest days, as much as your best days, that help you grow.”
Meet Neshil Ezzabelle Ruth “Eshi” Namocatcat, a 19-year old B.S. in Applied Mathematics freshman who is a #ProudBoholana but spent her high school days in Cebu. She is currently MathO’s Social Media Manager and Co-Head Organizer of TEDxUPV.
Even though she just stepped in her college life in the midst of adjusting period, it is undeniable that she handles whatever’s thrown at her pretty good. Despite the hectic and fast-paced schedule and the tedious tasks she faces everyday, she still makes time to do the things she enjoys. In her spare time, she likes journaling, playing musical instruments, swimming and diving, walking around Miagao, observing bats, and watching the sunset.
In three words, Eshi is an optimistic eager beaver. She is someone who approaches life with a positive attitude, embraces challenges as opportunities for growth, and has faith in her abilities. A ball of sunshine, indeed.